Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's not the destination, but the journey.

"The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.”
Don Williams, Jr. (American Novelist and Poet, b.1968)

Why start a blog?.....5 reasons to humiliate myself on a semi-regular basis. Listed not necessarily in order of importance.

Reason 1 I like to write!! Important distinction I said like NOT that I am good at it. So grammar Nazi's need not apply. I make no apologizes.

Reason 2 I feel like I have a smidgen of perspective, that is to say that I have lived(by no means am I old) long enough to at least have some basis to compare my thoughts, rants and opinions on. At least with out sounding like a complete idiot. Of course I am bound to still say many idiotic things. Nature of the beast and all.

Reason 3 Well its a cool place to store all your thoughts and ideas without having to worry about losing it. If you know me then you will have a greater idea of the importance. Yeah I misplace things, allot.

Reason 4 I feel like I have something to say. OK let me set the record straight, in no uncertain words do I consider myself an intellect. I guess when I say I have something to SAY, I am not saying its of any great importance that anyone LISTENS. What really matters to me is that I said it. ( That reads so confusing.)

Reason 5 Blogging is what all the cools kids are doing. OK I admit I was running out of reasons, but when you say 4 Reasons it just don't have the same ring to it. Five is just a nice even(yeah I know its odd) number.

So with all that said I hope you join me on the journey.



  1. Great start! I have been thinking of starting a blog also! I really like the part about the Grammar Nazi's! LOL Love y'all, Mary!!

  2. I have been reading them and commenting on them to let you know I am reading them. Maybe this post will go through...David Martin

  3. Hey I think it worked....
