Monday, June 13, 2011

Anonymous meet Anonymous

There is a powerful tension in our relationship to technology. We are excited by egalitarianism and anonymity, but we constantly fight for our identity.
~ David Owens

World of Wacraft.

What do they all have in common, well if you said, " They all require the Internet.", you would be right. You would also at least have a valid opinion if you said, They make life easier." But I think they have more lasting effect, maybe even devious effect. To an extent they all allow the user some measure of aanonymity. Ask yourself this how do you know that anyone is who they say they are on the Internet, what measure of proof can you obtain.

1. Do you know your neighbor’s first name?

2. How often do you attend parades or festivals?

3. Do you trust your local police?

4. Do you know who your U.S. senators are?

5. Do you attend religious services? Or go to the theater?

6. Do you sign petitions? Or attend neighborhood meetings?

7. How often do you visit with friends or family?

The answers may shock you, then again maybe your more aware of the fact that as a nation the way we socialize has drasticly changed in the last few decades. Social media is the buzz, but is creating Internet communities the same as local communities? Does its offer the same real-world benefits? I don't know the answers to those questions.

Were heading into a bold new place in the world, one that requires less human interaction. We already get movies in the mail, we can order anything of the Internet, stream movies at home. Life has become a bubble were real world social interaction is limited to work and the few times a week you have to leave the house. I can only opine that less human interaction by default should makes us to some extent less human.

I do believe that some things have to change, I think we need social communities but not ones built over the Internet. We need to be more involved in local communities. I don't know how we can change things, but one simple step might be to go say hello to your neighbor.

Next up in my awkward rambling I talk more about the social media hype.



  1. I don't like my neighbors! I think I may stay in my little bubble(NOT). I go out at least 1 night a week and interact with other people, most of them are drunk, but at least I am interacting with them.
    I can remember the days when we went outside and played. There were no video games and the only TV channels you got were local channels.
    Kids now days have no outside time they sit at home and watch TV or play video games.
    They wonder why our children are so over weight?
    We have to change the way people interact with one another. It sounds hard, but it only takes to people to strike up a conversation and others will join in!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. The comment above is from your brother and not me! LOL!!!!!
