Sunday, June 12, 2011

Monday Blues

This is my first Mon.-Fri. job ever....its nice I really enjoy having most weekends off. But if there is one thing I hate its Mondays. Yep I seem to get a case of the Monday Blues. Its not that I don't like my job, its a pretty good job. But the weekend never seems long enough. One thought seems to be going through my mind over and over:

What makes it worse is that my Monday starts Sunday night at 10 pm. Its like some form of cruel and unusual punishment. You sir have a case of the Monday Blues so guess what lets get a jump on things and start feeling blue early. To be fair I also enjoy the benefits of TGIF earlier then most. But it don't make Monday's any easier.

So do any of you guys face the Monday Blues, what do you do to try and make Monday's a little easier. As I had off to face  Monday I leave you with Alan Rickman.


  1. I hate Mondays too. Too bad we can't ban them from even being a part of the week.

  2. Your so right....well at least my Monday is over with. Now on to the dreaded Tuesday!!!

  3. my monday starts tonight and i hate mondays too

  4. test, test???

  5. yeahhhhh! ok
    Mondays are to be endured because they EVENTUALLY, lead to PAYDAY! and I do love payday :)
