Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Life is often times "Stranger than Reality"

When I started this blog just a few short days ago, I had several idea, goals and ambitions that I hoped to achieve with it. What I have found is that some of those goals would be next to impossible with the limitations in using the blog. I also struggled with the fear of over-saturating the blog with to many topics and subjects. I have so many interest, but trying to cover them all in one blog quickly felt unpractical.  The solution I found was starting my own website.

So  what does any of this mean. Well for one the blog will now just be a home for my thoughts, rants and opinions. I still don't have a clear structure for what the website will be. I can say that I am already hard at work figuring it out. So if you follow this blog and what to see how far down the rabbit hole we can really go, bookmark

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