Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Moving Forward

So this is pretty much an update to my previous post. So I a few ideas that I going to try and work into my blog and hopefully with some new tools and clear focus I can stick to more regular updates.

So the plan:

1. Re-molding Project- My idea here is to cover this using both blogs and video. Sort of a three prong attack. First post would be an overview of the project, give everyone an idea of what's going on. That way when you see the video you have some context as to what your seeing. Second phase would be a three part video series of before, during and after. Finally there would be project updates covering the process, adding any bits of info that I think people would find interesting. So that's the basic format, I don't know how entertaining re-molding sounds but(not very to me anyway) so I feel my challenge will be to find ways to make people interested and even enjoy the project. So even if its something that you might not think you would enjoy give it a shot.

2. So my second plan is a Course that I just got of hold of. Its called Learn and Master Guitar. Its a 20 DVD course that covers 20 sessions designed to take you from beginner to a more advanced stage. So I thought some people might find it interesting. This would be rather simple as I would just do a few blog post a week detailing my progress through the sessions. As I get more comfortable I might even record a video of me playing what I have learned. The course is designed to take as much as a year so I am really hoping I can stick with it.

3. My final plan for now is still pending a labor dispute, but if there is football I hope to cover the Saints this year on the blog. I am thinking here that I would do two post a week. One before the weekly game, giving up insights on the game, what I think we need to do get the W. The second would be after the game and would discuss the pros and cons of the game, things I think we can improve on and my overall thoughts on the season as it moves along.

One other note as I mentioned in the last post, we and the family going to the beach, so I plan on taking lots of video and will have a few blog post about the trip. We also have a trip to Disney World coming up next May, my plan its to live blog the trip from start to finish. The idea would be to bring you along on the trip, written updates, photos, video of all the day to day activities. So that's a little ways off but give you something to look forward to.

So I guess that's it for now...most of these project will not start to closer to Aug. but I will have a few more updates as we get closer. Until next time.

Daniel R.

Monday, July 11, 2011

A new direction!!

So its been a long time since I have did an update and I wanted to share with everyone what's been going on and what I hope to achive with the blog moving forward.

So yeah its been a very hectic two months, with the trip to see my familiy, camping, OT weekends and lets through a hoilday. Squeeze all that in with work, a 18 month old, house chores and a few hours sleep and you just don't seem to have alot of spare time. I guess in the end what spare time I have had has been used on other projects that seem more important.

Moving forward though I don't want to give up on the blog so I have come up with some ideas.
One I got a copy of Dragon Nautrally Speaking(its voice software that bascilly will type what  I say for me). I still need to by a headset to try it out but I hoping that this will speed up making post on my blogs and hopefully allow me to multi task some. Secondly I have moved toward the purchase of a Sony Bloggie. Its pretty cool digital video recorder that will allow me to make videos.  Finally and more importantly instead of random blogs I am going to try and make them more in line with whatever I am working on at the moment.  Hopefully the will allow me to give you guys more content on a regular basis.

What can you excpet next, well me and Robin have a huge house remolding planned. So while maybe not he most engaging blogging material the plan is toe give you guys a journal of what were doing. I don't have everything worked out but I do plan on shooting before, during and after video's and if nothing else I can promise tons of footage of Skylar.

So thats about it, I hope to have a better idea of how I want to present everything and maybe will have a post up in the new week. I do have to work OT the next few weeks. Either way we plan on starting sometime in Aug. so I should have something up before the end of the month.

One more thing we have a beach trip planned for Sept. so I will have some video up of that so I think you guys will enjoy.

So yeah that's about it, well I have to had to work so I am not going spell check or anything so yeah sorry for the grammar.

Daniel R.